This is the perfect time to begin your gardens. Too many people are 'frightened' to start a garden, thinking they lack either the skill or the space to do so. But that just isn't so; with a little desire and effort, anyone can have a garden!
There are two points most important to think about when considering a garden:
Where will you put it? If you have a yard, the best place is a spot that gets direct sunlight for at least half of the day; morning sunlight is better than evening if you have to pick. If you don't have a yard, or you can't put in a garden in it (such as rental homes), you can still have a container-garden. You can get various pots or planters, many of them very cheap. Some people even use old buckets of various sorts, which are perfectly functional, though not the most attractive in appearance. If you don't even have room for that (such as an apartment with no balcony), you can still have at least some plants; you just have to make an indoor garden. You can get lightbulbs from many stores that give full-spectrum lighting for plants, or you can even get something like the AeroGarden, a complete garden that fits on a countertop, and takes up even less space than most microwaves.
What plants will you put in it? The most obvious choice to start with is culinary herbs. There is little that will improve anyone's cooking more than using fresh herbs, both in terms of taste and health benefits. Thyme, parsley, oregano, basil, and garlic are among the most healthful herbs you can use, and also some of the tastiest. If you want to move beyond herbs, there are a variety of vegetables that generally produce a good yield for even inexperienced gardeners, such as tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, and many types of lettuce.
Whatever choices you make, get out there and start a garden. There is little to equal the sense of accomplishment when you serve something you have grown yourself; nor can you find anything more healthy to eat!
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